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Mundorf MOX Resistor 10 Watt 0,33 ±5% Ohm, 8 * 52mm

Price on application
  • Must be ordered. Ready for shipment in 4 days
  • Minimum purchase: 1
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Item no.
  • MR10-0,33
Product weight
  • 0,01 kg
Shipping weight
  • 0,10 kg


Preferable audio resistors for mid-field speakers.
Metalloxyd-Layer-Resistors do not have in comparison to cementresistors no inductivity. Therefore metaloxyd-layer-resistors are for all cases, when fast impulse-speed is required for example with mid-tone speakers, necessarily preferable. The Mundorf types have a continuous withstand of 10 watt but can handle a lot of more in the momentum range.


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