Single ended Pure class A Point to point wiring Output power sinus 12W
Der erste vollröhren Verstärker mit einer Single-Ended 300BH Triode, einem ultra linearem Circuit und dem charakteristischen Sound eines Class A Verstärkers. Die 300 BH Triode wurde speziell für diesen Verstärker entwickelt. Auch wenn sie von der JJ 300B Triode abstammt, es wurde mehr Charakteristik hinzugefügt um einen "Gitarren-Sound" zu erhalten. Die originale 300B triode ist sehr linear und zu "Hifi-Like"
The first all-tube amplifier with a single-ended 300BH triode utilizing an ultra linear circuit, and the characteristic sound of a true Class A amplifier. The 300 BH Triode was specifically developed for this amplifier. Even though it stems from our 300B triode, its characteristics have been altered so the sound is more "guitar-like". The original 300B triode is very linear and too "Hifi-Like" or analytic for this purpose. This is why JJ researched and developed a Triode electron tube specifically to complement the guitar. The sound JJ have achieved in the ONE is different from what is produced with the triode connected pentode commonly used today.
- JJ ONE Amplifier
- JJ ONE Speaker
- Impedance 8 Ohm