Hammond Audio Transformer TUBE Driver 124E
Interesting items
- Designed for general purpose or replacement use in push-pull or phase inverter tube driver circuits.
- Audio: 5
- Impedance - Primary: 15K C.T.
- Impedance - Secondary: 33.8K/135K
- Resistance - Primary: 728
- Resistance - Secondary: 3880
- Winding: Dual
- Laminations: Grain Oriented Steel
- Designed for general purpose or replacement use in push-pull or phase inverter tube driver circuits.
- Should not be used for single ended applications. They have no gap for DC bias current present in SE mode.
- Open style with minimum 5" long primary leads.
- Minimum frequency response 150 Hz. - 15 Khz (+/- 1db max. ref. 1 Khz.) at full rated power.
- Our part number 124B is the same as our 124A except for 49% Nickel laminations for greater fidelity.
- Our part number 124C (below) is the COIL ONLY (for those experimenters who want to use their own "iron").
- If you are looking to replace Radiola III-A audio transformers, check out our universal radiola replacement unit.