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Gotham Audio 100m Coil, Type 1001x GAC-1 Ultra pro asymmetrical Audiocable red

299,17 €
(251,40 € excl. vat)
including VAT., plus shipping
  • Must be ordered. Ready for shipment in 14 days
  • Shipping time: 15 - 16 workdays
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Item no.
  • 10011
Product weight
  • 5,20 kg
Shipping weight
  • 5,20 kg


Improved Version our establish Phono cables (10001-01). Additionally to the known and unique Double spiral screen and der conductive PVC Folie between shielding and isolation, we have one more location conductive PVC-Material between the head and which isolation given (6) um auch jede erdenklich mögliche Störeinstrahlung zu verhindern. This cable is isinsensitive jede Bewegung unempfindlich and has absolutely no Eigenmikrofonie! Ein important aspect bei Guitar cables and Instrument cables generell, welche allenfalls beim Gebrauch bewegt werden. Die zusätzliche leitende Folie wirkt auch like shielding! This einzigartige Audio cable bietet likeo 4 Schichten from shielding! (2-3-4&6)
Unbalanced Analog Single Channel GAC-1ultra pro 100 m Red

Cable specifications:

1 = Sheath: PVC, max  Ø 6.3 mm
2 = 1. spiral shielding Pure CU-Wires (0.10 mm), 100% Deckung S Wendel
3 = 2. spiral shielding Pure CU-Wires (0.10 mm), 100% Deckung Z Wendel
4 = ZwischenSheath Leitende Kunststoff-Folie 2,50mmØ
5 = isolation PE, Ø 2.50mm
6 = ZwischenSheath Leitende Kunststoff-folie 0,75mmØ
7 = Conductor Pure CU-Wires 7 x 0.20mm (0.22mm²)

Technische Daten:

Conductor resistance:    < 85 ohm/km
Shieldresistance:    < 11.30 Ohm/km
Capacity:    < 70 nF/km
Test voltage:    1000 veff (2 Minuten)
Temperature range: flexi-installation: -5° to +50° C
  fix-installation: -30° to +70° C

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