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DAP200-240 for the "Mini Block Push-Pull EL84 (6BQ5) Valve Amplifier" available now!

06.03.2014 11:55

The Edcor DAP200-240 transformer Kit is made for the "Mini Block Push-Pull EL84 (6BQ5) Valve Amplifier" designed by Bruce Heran from diyaudioprojects.com.
To learn more about the Mini Block Valve Project visit this page: http://diyaudioprojects.com/Tubes/EL84-Mini-Block-Amps . DAP200-240 kit is specially wound for the European primary 230-240 voltage.


Edcor DAP200-240


The DAP200-240 is available in our onlineshop for you now!

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New Products


  1. Don 2015-09-05 21:31:55
    Hi Kristjan, here is the direct link to the DAP200-240 Set: https://www.don-audio.com/Edcor-DAP200-240-Mini-Block-Push-Pull-Power-and-audio-output-transformer Best Regards :) Don
  2. kristjan 2015-08-30 12:56:33
    CXPP25-MS-4K How much is the price for single product above. Need 2 pc. Cheers, Kristjan Juusu Estonia

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