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(This product has got 2 Reviews)
Hi! I have purchased those transformers as they were in EU and IMO good priced. However, it took a while and it seems like it wasnt even shipped yet so I have placed a question about it. Must say that I havent received any answer. instead few days later I received mail stating that the items were dispatched. After that all went well. Good packed and, as I have no time to try them, hopefully as great as everyone saiz. Despite the long wait to be dispatched I will give 4 stars here while in the end all went well. It could be that I will repeat this purchase so I hope you will give me a reason to give 5 stars next time.
Hi everybody! I purchased the cinemag trannies from Don Audio about a week ago. They are very good priced, speedy dispatched and very well packed. Only I must warn the future customers from Serbia that you have only one shipping option witch is very expensive. So, for two transformers that weights around 150-200grams I paid a Packing and Shipping (World Package Prime): €59.99. This is the ONLY shipping option on their online site. I hope that in future it will changed in behalf of customers from non-EU Countries. Sorry for honesty, but I hope it will improve your business and attract more enthusiastic DIY-ers to buy some nice gears from You. Zoltan Lazar, Serbia Reply from Don:
thank you Zoltan, you can purchase these from now with cheaper shipping options.
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