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Audio Output Transformer XS1100

09.07.2016 10:52

The XS1100 Audio Output transformer uses the finest M6 line grain oriented steel cores and is used in a number of professional audio applications.
With a turns ratio of 2 + 2 : 1 + 1 the XS1100 is a matching Transformer and an alternative to the LL5402 and compatible transformers. 

Audio Output Transformer XS1100


Operation hookup

The primary will be driven with a low impedance source such as a operation amplifier or a transistor. The output can be 600ohms or greater.

Copper core shield is attached to pin 12 as shown.

Audio Output Transformer XS1100 Edcor


Test and Specifications

Nominal readings - Windings are interleaved and should read the following values:

  • DCR 1 - 2: 104 ohms
  • DCR 4 - 5: 120 ohms
  • DCR 7 - 8: 64 ohms
  • DCR 9 - 10: 56 ohms


  • +24 dBu <0.1%, When hooked up as designated. Turns ratio 1 : 1

Frequency response 600 ohm load

  • 10 - 20 kHz: -0.3 dB
  • 10 - 30 KHz: -0.5 dB
  • 10 - 40 KHz: -0.6 dB

Frequency response 10 Kohm load

  • 10 - 40 KHz: -0.1 dB

Isolation between winding or windings and core: 500 vrms

All materials used in manufacture are UL approved
Unit is RoHS compliant

Edcor Electronics Corporation

Distributed in EU by
Edcor Europe (Don-Audio Warehouse)
e-Mail: info ( at ) edcor.eu

Edcor Stock Online-Source: www.don-audio.com/Edcor


Author: Don


News Categorie:

Product Guide


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* All prices are final prices in EUR including the valid value added tax/VAT.
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