Absorber Plates
Caruso absorber panels are one of the most economic and efficient acoustic treatments. Fraunhofer developed with Caruso Iso-Bond panels the VPR absorbers that are used in many studios, churches, business rooms and theaters nowdays. The benefits of this material are the color and volume stability. They have most biologic and skin compatible characteristics and cover the DIN norms of fire protecion as hardly flammable material. Caruso is the best decision for acoustic treatment and noise reduction with inwall systems. Caruso ISO-BOND is on stock in two variations WLG035 and WLG040. For other product types, please just give us a message with your needed qty and your location. As distribution partner of Caruso Germany we distribute the whole Caruso Sortiment worldwide. For higher qties please contact us and we will sent a quotation to you. Contact us if you have any questions to our Caruso product line. We are looking forward to hear from you. Please request custom sizes.
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